Pali Guides » Allergies & Medications

Allergies & Medications

Many children require "Epi-pens" or other medication to be administered or available on campus. If your child needs ANY medication administered while at school, the forms below must be completely filled out and dropped off with the medication at the front office. 
Medication must be in its original box and placed in a large ziplock bag with the completed forms. ALL medications are kept in the nurse’s office, not the classroom. The medication forms can be found in the school office. Keep in mind that some of them need to be signed by a doctor before you drop them off, so plan ahead!
The LAUSD policy regarding allergies is that "No school can be completely allergen-free (e.g., "peanut-free"), but schools can partner with parents and medical providers to be prepared in appropriate management and care of students with severe allergies." If a student in your child's class has a serious allergy, you will receive further information from the school about precautions that will be taken in order to insure that student's safety.