Palisades Charter Elementary Home

Pali PRIDE - Practicing Conflict Resolution - Practicing Mutual Respect - Practicing Right to Participate - Practicing Appreciations - Practicing Attentive Listening

Principal's Message

Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year!
Together We ARE Better!
As we embark on this exciting journey together, I am filled with immense pride and anticipation for
all that we can accomplish. 
school building

About Us

Palisades Charter Elementary School believes that a successful school:
Nurtures and encourages every child to learn
Fosters high expectations for all learners
Emphasizes the process of learning
Encourages innovation in teaching and learning
Assures a safe and respectful environment
Acknowledges and values every voice
Collaborates among school, home and community
Embraces the arts and technology as an essential part of learning
Instills a love of learning in every child
school building

Our Mission

Palisades Charter Elementary School is dedicated to academic excellence, an appreciation of the arts, and the promotion of positive social awareness.

News & Announcements

Latest Updates

We are so sorry you have lost your school. I want you to know that our school community stands together and are stronger than ever. Our hearts are broken from our losses, but our love, support, and commitment to each other transcend all. We are family, united by our hope and unwavering bond.

You are loved, you are supported, and you are not alone. We will rebuild together.

Please click on the link below for the latest information (including information on how to donate, information shared during the townhall meeting, and wellness information).


Community Partners and Accolades

  • Edlen Team Logo
  • Gillian L. Wade Logo
  • Adam and Ally Jaret Logo
  • The Feil Group Logo
  • Rodeo Realty Logo
  • The Cilic Group Logo
  • Pacific Palisades Dentistry Logo