About Pali » Principal's Message

Principal's Message

 Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year!
Together We Are Better!

Welcome to the 2024-25 school year!

As we embark on this exciting journey together, I am filled with immense pride and anticipation for all that we can accomplish. 

Our theme this year is "Together We Are Better." This simple yet powerful phrase encapsulates the spirit of our community. It reminds us that our greatest achievements come when we unite our efforts, support one another, and strive towards common goals. In every classroom, hallway and event, let's remember that our collective strength is what makes our school such a special place.

As we begin this school year, let's embrace the theme of "Together We Are Better" in everything we do. By working as a team, supporting each other, and fostering a positive and inclusive environment, we will achieve greatness.

We demonstrate our values of "Together We Are Better" through our Pali PRIDE Practices:

Peace Practicing Conflict resolution and “I” Statements
Respect Practicing Mutual Respect
Inclusion Practicing The Right to Participate/The Right to Pass
Diversity Practicing Appreciations, No Put-Downs
Equity Practicing Attentive Listening
We live the practice of "Together We Are Better" in our Mission and Vision:
Mission: Palisades Charter Elementary School is dedicated to academic excellence, an appreciation of the arts, and the promotion of positive social awareness.
Vision: Palisades Charter Elementary School will provide excellence in education in an innovative, supportive and socially respectful environment.
We are ready for an amazing school year - Together We Are Better!
Juliet Herman
Proud Principal, Palisades Charter Elementary School